A downloadable game for macOS

Now that I've paid $$$ to GMS, I've turned it into an exec :D

When you unzip, make sure to place the .app on your desktop or in documents.

Will show strange errors if run from some places (like downloads)


ShadowingGameExec.zip 21 MB

Install instructions

Your game will automatically be 'quarantined' by your Mac (it does this for all .zip files downloaded from the internet that contain an .app file)

This means your Mac will tell you that the app is 'damaged' but I assure you it isn't, I made it myself.

To get it out of 'quarantine' you have to run a simple command in terminal:

"Open a Terminal window and type the following command: 

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine 

and then leave a space, and then drag the .app file onto the Terminal window and "drop" it, so Terminal will append the full path to the file for you."

For example, it could look like this:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /whatever/the/path/is.app

Then when you press enter you should be able to run the game (terminal will not give you a 'success' message, just try to run the game)

instructions taken from:


xattr -cr /path/to/application.app

should also work


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Placed the game on the desktop and run xattr -cr /path/to/application.app and it works!

Nice little arcade game.  love the track btw. 

Good to hear!